Should there be a problem with one of your purchases, please just get in touch with us. If you are not 100% happy with your order and the item is unused and in perfect condition, we'll happily exchange or refund within 30 days of delivery, minus the costs of our postage.
Customers are responsible for return/exchange postage costs and a refund will be processed once we have received the items back and verified they are unused.
If your returned item is not in the perfect condition it was sent to you in, we can not offer you a refund or exchange.
Personalised items cannot be returned, exchanged or refunded.
All orders are checked before dispatch. However sometimes a naughty one slips through the net. If that's the case and your product arrives with any defects, we will of course offer a full refund or replacement.
We can not refund or replace any items with a fault as a result of misuse or mishandling.